Milind Soman

Milind Soman




Milind Soman is an Indian supermodel, actor, film producer and fitness promoter.

QUOTES BY Milind Soman

People often say they cannot run even 2km. But the human body is capable of so much: if people can run 60km a day for several days anyone can run.

The main thing about an endurance challenge is that you have to endure. Not so much physically, but mentally. Your mind gives up first. Not your body.

Running for me is self-exploration.

Endurance sport is an inward journey, I like to be with myself, hear my heartbeat, my thoughts, it's something I've been enjoying since 15 years and it's only getting better.

I identify myself as a explorer, do new things, surprise myself.

I have been to beaches in many parts of the world, but Maldives is amazing. The country is very small, people are simple, each island is so tiny and the food is good.

For me, a holiday is doing something else apart from what I normally do.

I have always enjoyed myself. Sometimes I feel guilty about enjoying myself so much.

At 50, you have learnt to accept yourself, and that helps you also understand and accept your partner better.