


United States


Mýa Marie Harrison is an American singer, songwriter, dancer, producer, and actress. Born into a musical family, before entering the music industry she appeared on BET's Teen Summit. Signed in 1996 with Interscope Records, she released her eponymous debut album in April 1998.


No matter the genre, music is a universal language and vibration that people can feel all over.

Exploring many different avenues, especially setting new challenges, has always fueled my passion for learning something new.

I had to leave the music industry behind for a minute to figure out what made me feel home again.

When I moved back home, I took the initiative to involve my entire family in my career because I didn't find that anyone else was as passionate and thorough.

When you have a live performance, you're going to be pitchy here and there, unless you have perfect pitch.

Broadway really inspired me to want to act.

The people that I associate with, the circle that I keep, is real simple, and sometimes we think or we're trained to believe that you always have to have more, more, more to make ourselves feel happy or beautiful, but it's the other way around for me. Simplicity is sexy.

I was captain of the pom-pom team, which was still dance, but we were athletes. We trained on the track and did workouts every single day after school.

I definitely learned that when I want something done, I'm very tunnel-visioned out. I don't come out of the house. I beat myself up. I don't eat. I don't sleep until it's done, especially if I have a deadline in mind.