Nadia Comaneci

Nadia Comaneci




Nadia Elena Comăneci Conner, known professionally as Nadia Comăneci, is a Romanian retired gymnast and a five-time Olympic gold medalist, all in individual events. In 1976 at the age of 14, Comăneci was the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10.0 at the Olympic Games.

QUOTES BY Nadia Comaneci

I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet.

I believe that you should gravitate to people who are doing productive and positive things with their lives.

Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don't lose the passion and the love for what you do.

I know my life story sounds too extraordinary to be true.

Life is not easy for anyone. You have to have ups and downs. You can make mistakes. You learn and try not to make them again. That's pretty much my principle.

You should also appreciate the goodness around you, and surround yourself with positive people.

Hard work has made it easy. That is my secret. That is why I win.

Maybe that's why I like gymnastics - because I like to fly.

I wanted to have a free life.