Nadya Suleman

Nadya Suleman


United States


Nadya Denise Doud-Suleman, known as Octomom in the media, is an American media personality who came to international attention when she gave birth to octuplets in January 2009.

QUOTES BY Nadya Suleman

Nobody lives happily ever after, because that is extremely unrealistic.

I've been sued, harassed, abused, but I've held my own.

Four out of the five discs in my lumbar spine are ruptured, herniated fully. Think of a jelly doughnut being squashed, and it hits nerves, causing bilateral sciatica. And I have irreparable sacral damage. And I have peripheral neuropathy.

I am doing everything I can to be a great parent.

I've been hiding from the real world all my life.

I love kids, but I also recognize that things could be better for mine.

I couldn't even imagine kissing something.

With children, I feel so safe in my predictable world. They will never leave me.

I devote my whole life to my family, and that's the least I could do, because there's only one me and 14 of them. I have to give all my energy and all of me to my kids.