Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon


United Kingdom


Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon is a Scottish politician serving as First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party since 2014. She is the first woman to hold either position.

QUOTES BY Nicola Sturgeon

Thatcher was the motivation for my entire political career. I hated everything she stood for.

A good education is the most important gift we can give our young people.

To every woman out there who thinks that they might like to get involved in politics or stand for parliament, I say go for it. If I can do it, so can you.

It's not opinion polls that determine the outcome of elections, it's votes in ballot boxes.

I am a social democrat - I believe in pursuing greater equality and tackling social justice - but... you can't do that unless you have got a strong economy, unless you have got a vibrant business base earning the wealth that makes that possible.

It's very much the currency of discourse on social media where political disagreements very quickly become very personalised.

People don't want to go back to the days, pre-referendum, when the Westminster establishment sidelined and ignored Scotland. They want Scotland's voice to be heard.

I think you should always aim for more.

Let us put the normal divisions of politics aside. Let us come together as one country; let us seize this historic moment to shift the balance of power from the corridors of Westminster to the streets and communities of Scotland.