Norman Vincent Peale
United States
Norman Vincent Peale was one of the most influential educators in the United States during the 20th century. Established at the Methodist Church in 1922, Peale served as a pastor in a series of churches including Berkeley, Rhode Island (1922-24), Brooklyn, New York (1924-27), and Syacacuse, New York (1927–32) before changing his affiliation with the Dutch Reformed Church to to be a pastor of Marble Collegiate Church in New York City (1932-84). Peale's simple, confident, and motivating sermons, in which he presented a positive view of modern life, brought growing numbers of church members and growing popularity to Peale. His sermons were broadcast regularly, first on the radio and later on television. In addition, Peale published a weekly business magazine, Advice, which reached two million subscribers in its time. Peale also published a number of best-selling books, including The Power of Positive Thought (1952), The Art of Living (1937), Confident Living (1948), and The Incredible Century (1991).