Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage


United Kingdom


Nigel Paul Farage is a British politician, activist, political commentator and broadcaster serving as leader of the Brexit Party since 2019.

QUOTES BY Nigel Farage

We shouldn't measure everything in terms of GDP figures or economics. There is something called quality of life.

Brexit was the first brick that was knocked out of the establishment wall.

Quite simply, without UKIP, there would not have been a referendum. I am convinced that the 'we want our country back, we want our borders back' message that we took across the country on an open-top double decker energised non-voters to back Brexit.

Building walls is entirely sensible. We don't need to do it. We have got the English Channel.

I love Europe! France is wonderful. It should be. We've subsidised it for 40 years.

I don't listen to music. I don't watch television, I don't read.

My opponents are the people who gave up our borders.

I think frankly when it comes to chaos you ain't seen nothing yet.

All marriages, all relationships have huge ups and downs.