Pascal Siakam

Pascal Siakam




Pascal Siakam is a Cameroonian professional basketball player for the Toronto Raptors National Basketball Association. Siakam played college basketball for New Mexico State Aggies and was named Western Conference Player of the Year for 2016.

QUOTES BY Pascal Siakam

Cologne, you know, you gotta make sure you smell good all the time.

I'm spicy and I've got skills.

For me, it's just about working hard every day and getting better.

When my dad passed away, the NBA became a major priority for me. It became bigger than just loving basketball; I suddenly had extra motivation. I was willing to do absolutely anything I had to do to get to the NBA.

It's not to say I don't want African players to hustle and play hard, but I also wanted to show we can do more. We can dribble. We can have high IQs. We can pass the ball. We can shoot. I wanted to make sure I changed the perception.

Having fun with family, playing video games, and listening to music calms me down and gets me away from the NBA world.

I ask myself what my father would think of me making it to the NBA every day. I hope he's proud. I hope he's watching down and realizing that his dream became a reality.

The fact that I can come in and give energy to the team, no matter my skill level, I have that. That's an NBA ready skill.

Yeah, I'm definitely really good at 'FIFA.'