Paul Millsap

Paul Millsap


United States


Paul Millsap is an American basketball player who plays for the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a power forward for the Denver Nuggets. A NBA All-time star who will claim the NBA title four times, Millsap is considered one of the top players in the Western Conference. Since joining the 2006 NBA, he has progressed to the point where he has been a stalwart of the various teams he has played for. We review the life and profile of the top basketball player in the country the facts of Paul Millsap's biography, childhood, fair value and personal health.

QUOTES BY Paul Millsap

I've been around the league for a while. I know the business of the league. Some stuff, like my mom said, you let it roll off your back like water on a duck's back. You keep moving on.

It's second nature. You just get out there and play basketball.

Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.

With a fast pace world and wanting to reach and accomplish goals sometimes we neglect to pause and just enjoy the moment.

My main thing over the years is to try to get on a team and be on a team that wins games.

You know people probably don't realize this but I lived in Denver for 10 years as a kid. I was familiar with the city and what it had to offer. You know like any place it's changed a lot over the years. But that familiarity hit home for me.

I'm a type of player that tries to do everything a lot to help our team. Setting screens to get guys open, trying to block shots.

It feels good to be in a rhythm.

It's good to get out there and get a nice sweat.