Paul Watson

Paul Watson




Paul Franklin Watson, environmental activist, writer, real TV star (born December 2, 1950 in Toronto, ON). Paul Watson is the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) and a pioneer, who separates people from the conservation organization.

QUOTES BY Paul Watson

Everybody is a hypocrite. You can't live on this planet without being a hypocrite.

We'll lose more species of plants and animals between 2000 and 2065 than we've lost in the last 65 million years. If we don't find answers to these problems, we're gonna be victims of this extinction event that we're at fault for.

The most powerful weapon in the world, as far as I'm concerned, is the camera.

I do what I do because it is the right thing to do. I am a warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight superior odds.

Follow your dreams and use your natural-born talents and skills to make this a better world for tomorrow.

Bluefin tuna is sort of like the cheetah of the ocean. It's the fastest fish. It's a warm-blooded fish. But it's got a $100,000 price tag on its head.

I used to swim with these beavers in a beaver pond when I was 10. I went back when I was 11 and found there were no more beavers. I found that trappers had taken them all, so I became quite angry, and that winter I began to walk the trap lines and free animals from the traps and destroy the traps.

If we wipe out the fish, the oceans are going to die. If the oceans die, we die. We can't live on this planet with a dead ocean.

In 'Deadliest Catch,' we have men in ships in rough seas catching crabs. With 'Whale Wars,' we have men and women from a dozen different nations going out to sea in rough weather to help save the whales. We also have icebergs, whales, penguins, and dramatic ship-to-ship confrontations.