Paul Weller

Paul Weller


United Kingdom


As leader of Jam, Paul Weller led Britain's most famous punk era, influencing English rockers from his revival days to the Smiths in the 80s and Oasis in the 90s. During the last days of Jam, he became interested in Motown and the soul, which led to the formation of the Style Council investigative team in 1983. As the work of the Style Council continued, Weller's interest in the soul grew into a fascination with jazz. -pop and house music, which eventually led to a gradual erosion of his audience - in 1990, he was unable to secure a recording contract in the UK, where he was worshiped as a god. As a solo artist, Weller returned to soul music as an inspiration, cutting it off with the continuation of the hippie trend of Traffic. Weller's solo records were much older and more rooted than Style Council's, which helped him regain his popularity in Britain. In the mid-90s, he had released three highly acclaimed and well-known albums in England, which contemporary bands such as the Ocean Color Scene identified him as an influential figure. Most importantly, many viewers, while occasionally criticizing the genre of his music, admitted that Weller was one of the rock enthusiasts who was able to remain relevant in the second half of his career.

QUOTES BY Paul Weller

When I lived in a little flat in Pimlico in 1981, I'd write in the hallway. As you walked in, there was a tiny little recess type thing, hardly a hallway, really, and I'd sit there writing songs with my guitar.

You can't live a lie. You have to follow your heart.

The only time I ever really got into rap was back in the early '90s, and bands like A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Gang Starr. Musically, they were really interesting. But when hip-hop acts start sampling Sting or Phil Collins, then I just don't get it at all.

No one told Miles Davis or BB King to pack it in. John Lee Hooker played literally up to the day he died. Why should pop musicians be any different?

People say that if you're still angry at 52, you're not an angry young man, just a grumpy old git.

I wear jeans and a T-shirt sometimes. I just like clothes - since the first time I can remember, like age ten or eleven; I was just obsessed with music and clothes. Just like a lot of people in England from my generation.

Led Zeppelin would never have reformed if he or Jimmy Page were bald.

I had a total belief in The Style Council. I meant every word and felt every action.

I'm not big on rap, to be honest. I just don't get it. It's angry people shouting. I like a song, melodies, people singing.