Peter Hook

Peter Hook


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Peter Hook

You can't buy class.

Nobody is the same. If we were all the same it would be bloody boring.

For the first 18 months of Joy Division, we used our jobs to fund the band. We'd all chip in three, five quid to go and do a gig. But it was worth it. It was amazing we could afford to feed ourselves. But we were so creatively and artistically satisfied. You can't explain that to somebody who's never been there.

Originally, I didn't play any New Order when I deejayed. I suppose it comes from being a little embarrassed or humble or whatever. But people were coming to see me because of New Order, so in the end, I had to realize that if they were using my name on the poster, then maybe I should play some of the music.

I've watched so-called 'New Order' playing in Auckland, and Tom Chapman is miming along to my bass on tape... He's got his fingers on the low, and you can hear my high bass in the background. So he's miming.

I'd rather have ten people who are mad for it than ten thousand who aren't.

I've stayed in hotels where you were scared to even put your feet on the floor, or had to sleep in a chair.

You don't get many chances in the world, and you don't want to throw them away.

At my age, I only travel business class because I just don't bend anymore; my body can't cope with it.