Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel


United States


QUOTES BY Peter Thiel

The first question we would ask if aliens landed on this planet is not, 'What does this mean for the economy or jobs?' It would be, 'Are they friendly or unfriendly?'

I believe that people are too complacent about technology.

Every correct answer is necessarily a secret: something important and unknown, something hard to do but doable.

What is it about our society where anyone who does not have Asperger's gets talked out of their heterodox ideas?

There have been a lot of critiques of the finance industry's having possibly foisted subprime mortgages on unknowing buyers, and a lot of those kinds of arguments are even more powerful when used against college administrators who are probably in some ways engaged in equally misleading advertising.

I would consider myself a rather staunch libertarian.

My hope is that we're going to end up with a far more tolerant society, where the erosion of privacy, to the extent it erodes, will be offset by increased tolerance.

My only claim is that not all talented people should go to college and not all talented people should do the exact same thing.

Every American has a unique identity. I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all, I am proud to be an American.