Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister

Stefan Sagmeister is a world-renowned artist, visual artist and performance artist. His famous hand donated typing, a variety of materials and techniques, and the use of contradictory images combined to create the identity of his work. Having the habit of pressuring his listeners to limit their conduct and work, may seem to be somewhat skeptical but is no doubt equally interesting. He was known for focusing on powerful themes such as sex, humor and sometimes images that slightly disturbed people's feelings in his work. Some may say he does not change, he looks at that horrible thing and that his work shows a bad taste, all proving a strong reaction. I want to ask you this. In this article I will look at some of his works. I will research his approach and try to show the true diversity and style of his designs.

QUOTES BY Stefan Sagmeister

It is very important to embrace failure and to do a lot of stuff — as much stuff as possible — with as little fear as possible.

It’s much, much better to wind up with a lot of crap having tried it than to overthink in the beginning and not do it.

People are generally forced to change. We don't want to change, and then something absolutely forces us to realize that what we are doing isn't working or that our picture of the world is wrong. We fail. So we change.

I don't think I'm better than everyone else at anything, but I am very quick at organizing a big mass of interview tape into a structure.

In radio, you have two tools. Sound and silence.

Harry Potter to me is a bore. His talent arrives as a gift; he's chosen. Who can identify with that? But Hermione - she's working harder than anyone, she's half outsider, right? Half Muggle. She shouldn't be there at all. It's so unfair that Harry's the star of the books, given how hard she worked to get her powers.

I was a semiotics major at Brown, and there's this idea that stories are better, books are better, and movies are better if they cocked you off your axis and you were completely disoriented and you'd really have to rethink everything. Nobody has that experience, actually.

I like excess. And giant M&M's.

Traditional broadcast media seems old-fashioned and vague to me. When I watch television news, I'm aware of what skilled journalists they are, but I find it hard because of the corny way they present it.

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