Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey


United States


For Philip Yancey, writing is a test of faith. He explains: “Sometimes we all ask questions like‘ Where is God when it hurts? ’Or‘ Does prayer make a difference? ’As a freelance writer, I find myself investigating such matters fully. It is my calling, to honestly examine such questions, and I feel privileged to do so in print. ”

QUOTES BY Philip Yancey

The world says you gain your life by getting more and more and more and more, but Jesus says, 'No, that leads to death. You get it back by giving it away and when you give it away you get it back.'

Most observers understand the difference between a committed Christian who accepts Jesus as a model for living and a 'cultural Christian' who happens to live in a nation with a Christian heritage. Most Muslims do not.

Politics draws lines between people; in contrast, Jesus' love cuts across those lines and dispenses grace. That does not mean, of course, that Christians should not involve themselves in politics. It simply means that as we do so we must not let the rules of power displace the command to love.

Jesus was a master of grace: he attracted sinners and moral outcasts even as he offended the religious and responsible people of his day.

[...]women much like this prostitute fled toward Jesus, not away from him. The worse a person felt about herself, the more likely she saw Jesus as a refuge. Has the church lost that gift?

Having spent time around "sinners" and also around purported saints, I have a hunch why Jesus spent so much time with the former group: I think he preferred their company. Because the sinners were honest about themselves and had no pretense, Jesus could deal with them. In contrast, the saints put on airs, judged him, and sought to catch him in a moral trap. In the end it was the saints, not the sinners, who arrested Jesus.

We need faith and the mind of the Lord Jesus to recognize something of lasting value in even our most ordinary tasks.

Grace does not depend on what we have done for God but rather what God has done for us. Ask people what they must do to get to heaven and most reply, "Be good." Jesus' stories contradict that answer. All we must do is cry, "Help!"

A philosophy may explain difficult things, but has no power to change them. The gospel, the story of Jesus' life, promises change.