Priti Patel

Priti Patel


United Kingdom


Priti was the Secretary of State for International Development from July 2016 to November 2017. Priti served as Minister of Labor from May 2015 until July 2016. She was the Exchequer Secretary in the Ministry of Finance from July 2014 to May 2015.

QUOTES BY Priti Patel

If, like me, you believe that your taxes should be spent on your priorities in this country by politicians accountable to you then you should vote to leave the E.U.

Once we leave the E.U., we will be able to slash the £600 million of costs of Brussels bureaucracy that hold back our businesses.

With Boris Johnson leading the Conservative Party and as Prime Minister, the United Kingdom, at long last, will have a Prime Minister who believes in Britain and is in tune with the views of the millions of people who voted - over three years ago now - to leave the E.U.

Too many communities are living in fear as violent crime rises. So we need to reform our justice system to keep our streets safe and protect the law-abiding majority. That means putting an end to soft sentences and punishing offenders by keeping them behind bars so that the public can be protected and the offenders can be rehabilitated.

Our aid budget has a crucial role to play in shaping the world according to our universal values of democracy, enterprise and justice.

As we exit the E.U. and reassert ourselves as a great global trading nation, we have a unique opportunity to redefine our relationship with Africa.

We must stand firm against the Left's nationalisation obsession.

Free to set our own laws, Brexit should act as a catalyst for a new era of prosperity for an outward-looking U.K. ambitious in removing barriers to trade, enterprise and economic growth.

Britain has a long and proud record of welcoming migrants. They have made many positive contributions to our economy. But the impact of uncontrolled immigration from the E.U. has placed new pressures on our country.