Rain Dove

Rain Dove


United States


Known as a model, Rain Dove was born on September 27, 1989. In addition to being a model, she is also an actress and an activist, famous for her anti-government efforts, as a non-sexist model posing in front of camera lights as men and women in photography, products and runway shows. In 2015, Dove was one of 12 Elle Magazine Women's Redesign of Dove Beauty and was voted the Best SheWired Bachelorette in 2014.


My state of being is just unique.

Gender doesn't exist in my book.

I love the body I have.

The face of beauty literally needs to change, which means the way we think of beauty needs to as well.

The reason people wear the things that they wear and accept the standards that they accept is because most athletes make a good portion of their money in advertising and doing campaigns afterwards.

What it means to look like a woman or man changes regionally - from mannerisms to clothes to posture to makeup to even your vocals - so I just observe, and I replicate.

The me that is me is not my body. It's an awareness and an experience.

I find when I'm perceived as male in society, there is an enormous amount of pressure, but it comes with respect, so it's a balance.

I look like what we have taught society a lesbian looks like. I just do. I have the short hair. I got the muscles.