Raja Krishnamoorthi

Raja Krishnamoorthi


United States


KRISHNAMOORTHI, S. RAJA, Representative of Illinois; born in New Delhi, India, July 19, 1973; graduated from Richwoods High School, Peoria, Ill., 1991; BA, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1995; JD, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., 2000; attorney, independent; business manager; clerk, United States Regional Court Northern Region Illinois, 2000-2002; campaign workers, Barack Obama, 2004, 2008; staff, housing development authority in Illinois, 2005-2007; Illinois Special Attorney General Assistant, 2006-2007; Illinois Deputy Treasurer, 2008-2009; a loser in the Illinois state comptroller election, 2010; who will run in the by-elections in 2012; elected as Democrats for the Fifteenth Century and for the next two Congresses (January 3, 2017-incumbent).

QUOTES BY Raja Krishnamoorthi

Following well-established national security screening procedures and accurately informing Congress about them is not a joke or a political game. It is essential to guaranteeing that our national secrets are protected and to preventing possible blackmailing of key administration officials.

Before I was elected to Congress, I helped to create the public corruption unit in the office of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Unfortunately, business was good. Among the usual suspects were government contracts steered to insiders - leaving Illinois taxpayers holding the bag.

As a small-business man myself, I believe strongly that improving the health of small businesses is the key to improving the economy, growing the middle class, and creating innovative products and services.

In my experience, union leaders are respected by their members.

Illinois is large, but we do not always receive our fair share of federal resources because our leadership is often divided. When we all row together, good things happen.

Illinois is becoming more diverse, more tolerant, and even more green.

Mail in our country serves as an economic engine.

Mail enables businesses to deliver vital services and products, including medication, and allows these same businesses to receive payments in a timely way.

So many of our businesses rely on green card holders - how are we supposed to attract these people if they think they'll be detained at the airport if they go abroad for a wedding or just to show their baby to relatives?

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