Ram Nath Kovind

Ram Nath Kovind




Ram Nath Kovind is the 14th and current President of India.He took over the presidency of India on 25 July 2017. Kovind is a member of the Baratiya Janata Party. Ram Nath Kovind was governor of Bihar before being elected President of India. After Kocheril Raman Narayanan, Kovind is the second Dalit to take over the presidency of India. Kovind served in the Supreme Court of Delhi and in the Supreme Court of India until 1993. In 1994 he became a Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha. Kovind was nominated by the ruling NDA instead of the President and won well.

QUOTES BY Ram Nath Kovind

Prior to the 2014 General Election, the country was passing through a phase of uncertainty. After the elections, my government assumed charge and vowed to build a New India. A New India with no place for imperfect, corrupt and inertia ridden systems.

My Government has not only enhanced the credibility and prestige of the passports held by the Indian diaspora but has also stood by them in their hour of need.

A Republic is its people.

Citizens do not just make up and preserve a Republic; they are its ultimate stakeholders and in fact pillars.

Our Constitution framers were men and women with great foresight. They understood the majesty of the rule of law, and of rule by laws.

A tradition I remember from my childhood was that when there was a wedding in any one family, the entire village shared the responsibility and contributed. Regardless of the caste or community, the bride became the daughter of not just a single family but of the entire village.

There are so many people and organisations that work quietly and diligently for the poor and the disadvantaged. We should also work with unity and purpose to ensure that the benefits of government policies reach all sections of society.

In pursuing the cherished goal of gender justice, to mention one example, the Supreme Court of India has always been proactive and progressive.

It is the duty of every parent, citizens, yours and mine to strengthen among boys the sense of respect towards women.