Randy Orton

Randy Orton


United States


Randal Keith Orton, better known as Randy Orton, is a well-known American athlete and actor. Having won the WWE Championship eight times before, he is currently holding his ninth title title since May 2017. Orton, who has won a sixteen-match WWE title, has also won important games such as Royal Sounds. Making his first wrestling match in 2000, he signed with WWF a year later. By training himself, he battled the big stars, and appeared in many popular shows. Gaining popularity with his signings such as Corner clothesline, Diving crossbody, dropkick, and high-neck neckbreaker gutwrench, Orton became the youngest world champion in WWE history after winning the 24-year-old World Heavyweight Champion. In the course of his career, he won numerous prestigious titles, such as the OVW Hardcore Championship and the WWE Intercontinental Championship. And the actor, Orton has appeared in a few films and TV shows. He played the lead role in the 2015 American action film 'The Condemned 2'. He also appeared in the guest role in the popular American series 'Shooter'.

QUOTES BY Randy Orton

I think the biggest thing - when it comes to injuries and stuff, travel has a big part in that, because after a match, guys hit the road, and they're in a sitting position. They're not able to ice up or do whatever they have to do therapy-wise.

I have a lot of respect for Brock. I was down in OVW with him, and I was there a few months before he came. We all knew he was coming, but when he came, he was humble and a fun guy to be around.

Cena, one-hundred percent, bleeds WWE, and he always will. I know that much about him.

I firmly believe that without the fans, I wouldn't be where I am. I'm truly fortunate to be relevant for a very long time, and it's because of them wanting to see more of me.

I was even more of a fan of Jake The Snake than I was of my dad when I was a kid, and that's because of the snake. Jake used to have his snake, Damien, out in the locker room slithering around the showers. In the locker room, they would actually block off one of the showers just so Damien could roll around, and I'd sit there and watch him.

I rose to the top real quick, and I was surrounded by Triple H, Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, these guys who were very well respected in the profession, and they wanted to work with me, so I knew I was doing something right.

When I won the World Title at 24 and became the youngest, I knew that was huge.

Really getting married, settling down, and having a kid - that was the biggest thing for me. I realized, this little girl that came into my life, that I created with my wife, and how special is that?

Big E, he's a strong dude. Ryback's a strong dude. But if you put Batista next to those guys, he was 6'6'', 320 lbs. Those guys are pushing 6'1''-6'2''. But Batista was wide. He was a big old dude. Those guys could beat him in a bench press contest, but I'd rather look like Dave.