Rashida Tlaib

Rashida Tlaib


United States


QUOTES BY Rashida Tlaib

I cannot imagine our country not having the right to economic boycott.

I don't care if it's Saudi Arabia or if it's Israel or any other country. I can't imagine our members of Congress or even the residents back in the day that pushed back against apartheid in Africa not to be able to boycott.

I can tell you, you know, I am a person that every - people that do really know me well know that I'm extremely passionate about fighting for my families and the residents back home.

My God, do we have some of the most amazing people. You won't find stories like ours. You almost feel like, if there's ever a need to tell an American story, just come to Detroit.

I'm so much of a proud Detroiter.

I love being a mom.

Voters will never wonder where I stand on an issue or if I will be there when needed. I will be side by side with them as we fight back against the Trump agenda together.

Historically marginalized populations have already had less access to wealth and credit building opportunities, and the continued use of credit histories to set auto insurance pricing compounds racial discrimination and exacerbates wealth inequality.

The first thing I think about when somebody says you're going to be the first Muslim is celebrate this moment.