Ray J

Ray J


United States



We did 'The Conversation' on the Zeus network because we already are on TV and we felt like us being our own therapists could work. We tried it. We just gave it a shot since we already on blast and everybody creating their own stories about what they see. Just tried to give it a shot. Did it help? I don't know.

I wanted a woman, at first, with a classy side but with a really wild, crazy side. I wanted that because I'm wild and crazy sometimes. But that was then. Now I need less wild and crazy, like, a little bit of that element, but more class. A woman that's responsible and that wants to take care of herself.

A bad girl can emotionally make a guy feel like a girl because they break hearts, too. A bad girl is dangerous because she might be honest with you and say, 'Listen you're not the only one. I just want you to be my friend,' and sometimes that might affect a guy in a weird way.

Life is a roller-coaster, so you never know what's gonna happen.

Patience, time, love, it heals all.

I am my family. I love my family.

I've dated bad girls in my time.

I consider myself a businessman, not a celebrity or a music star. When I'm getting involved with something I need to executive produce it or be a part of putting it together as an investor. I want to play both sides. That's more important to me than just being a celebrity.

I feel like if you rush anything, it's never complete and it's never, never what you want it to be.