Rebecca Ferguson

Rebecca Ferguson


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Rebecca Ferguson

You meet someone, you care for them, and you fall in love; it's what it is.

I was looking for something to make me happy, and once I realised what I actually had, then I found success.

I can do an OK manicure, but I need to stick to singing.

We have two older brothers and two younger sisters; Sam and I are in the middle, and I've always felt protective and closest to him.

I'm not on the stage going, 'Look at me! I'm amazing!' I accept my vulnerability, don't pretend I'm something I'm not. I don't want to come across as fake.

It's sad really, I think 'Freedom' would've done better, but it got shelved because of the pregnancy, so it might be something that might get revisited in the future; who knows?

I'm quite good at knowing, 'This isn't right for me,' or, 'That person will be really good at singing that.'

I think that's what I love about jazz is that you can do what you want, and you're allowed to mess up.

That's what I've tried to do: I've tried to make music that I really love.

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