Richard M. Nixon

Richard M. Nixon


United States


Richard Nixon was a Republican congressman who served as vice president under Dwight D. Eisenhower. Nixon ran for president in 1960 but was defeated by Massachusetts U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy. Undeterred, Nixon returned to the race eight years later and defeated the White House by a solid margin. In 1974 he resigned from the charge of concealing the illegal activities of party members in the Watergate case. She died April 22, 1994, at the age of 81, in New York City.

QUOTES BY Richard M. Nixon

I let the American people down.

The more you stay in this kind of job, the more you realize that a public figure, a major public figure, is a lonely man.

Government can provide opportunity. But opportunity means nothing unless people are prepared to seize it.

I believe in the battle-whether it's the battle of a campaign or the battle of this office, which is a continuing battle.

Scrubbing floors and emptying bedpans has as much dignity as the Presidency.

Tell them to send everything that can fly.

Our chief justices have probably had more profound and lasting influence on their times and on the direction of the nation than most presidents.

I wish I could give you a lot of advice, based on my experience of winning political debates. But I don't have that experience. My only experience is at losing them.

The time has come for us to draw the line. The time has come for the responsible leaders of both political parties to take a stand against overgrown Government and for the American taxpayer.