Rick Nielsen

Rick Nielsen


United States


Rісk Nіеlѕеn а рорulаr guіtаrіѕt frоm Аmеrіса whо ѕеrvеѕ is thе lеаd guіtаrіѕt оf thе bаnd Сhеар Тrісk. There may be something that might happen. Араrt frоm bеіng а lеаd guіtаrіѕt, hе аlѕо thе рrіmаrу ѕоngwrіtеr and bасkіng vосаlіѕt оf thе bаnd. Níеlѕеn hеѕ rеlеаѕеd ѕеvеrаl аlbumѕ and ѕіnglеѕ iw thth Сhеар Тrісk and hаѕ аlѕо dоnе mаnу соnсеrt tоurѕ.

QUOTES BY Rick Nielsen

The only time I have a problem is when I have to get in a vehicle after we play and sit there in a cramped position for a couple of hours to drive to the next place. Then I get super stiff.

Have a good work ethic. You've got to practice, practice, practice. I'm not telling you what to practice - that's up to you.

If you can make it in Rockford, you can make it anywhere.

I did what I believed in. It got me in trouble, but it also got me a job.

I knew the guys in the Allman Brothers way back in the day, before they were famous.

I've owned about 2,000 guitars through the years because I've traded a lot and given away and sold some stuff.

Nobody wants to hear long speeches.

We always record with the whole band. That's key to capturing the feel, especially trying to get a good basic track.

I always use my Les Paul. I have a Hamer as well. I use a Tele and an Esquire - once in a while, I will use a Strat, and I never use any pedals... except for in my car.