Rick Santelli

Rick Santelli


United States


Rick Santelli was born on January 12, 1953 in Chicago, Illinois to a family of Italian immigrants. He graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1979 and joined the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. Santelli became Vice-President of Interest Rate Rates Futures and Options, but found that the financial industry was changing in a dangerous way for his family, so in 1999 he took a full-time job at CNBC. On February 19, 2009, he made the famous statement that the United States government was promoting immorality and that there might be a "Chicago Tea Party", and the Tea Party took its name from its statement. Supporters of Libertarianism praised him, but supporters of liberation criticized his bad character.

QUOTES BY Rick Santelli

I don't think that there is a beer summit in the cards for me at the White House.

There's hearings on everything. They're kabuki theater.

Let me see the 'Cuban missiles on the island' picture. Trump needs to see it before networks need to see it.

I think health care is a mess. I think that, as a free market person, you can't even have that discussion unless you know what the service costs.

How many muni areas have actually defaulted, by the way? Just a question.

The last place I'm ever going to live or work is D.C.

I think we should all be proud that we are living in a country where we can question those we put in power because, at the end of the day, they work for every citizen.

It's a philosophy that - 'We, the People' - it's about us, that if the Americans want to do something, they have the power to try to put leaders in place to carry out whatever their notions are.

While the vandals are on the street corners, the Tea Party conservatives, they're working state houses, the governorships, the mayorships, the Senate, the House.