Rico Nasty

Rico Nasty


United States


Rico Nasty is an American rapper, best known for his hit songs such as 'Hey Arnold' and 'Carly'. 'He started to shine a lot when Lil Yachty came up with his new song,' Hey Arnold. 'Her popularity soared in 2017, when she released her album' Tales of Tacobella. ' The album, released under the label 'Sugar Trap,' continued to make a name for itself, giving Rico the success he had hoped for. In addition to being a famous therapist, Rico also has a sense of social media as his official Twitter page has over 106,000 followers. She has a channel known as YouTube, with over 86,000 subscribers. She also writes his own songs on SoundCloud.

QUOTES BY Rico Nasty

The name Rico Nasty came from Instagram.

I don't want people to expect the hard tracks to continue my whole career. When I started making music, I wasn't making music like that.

As women, we're always supposed to be catty, or too cute to dance. And it sucks.

I want to bring more structure into my shows sometimes but honestly, people have told me they like the randomness and how crazy it gets.

I'm a little bit scared of everything. It's kind of funny. Whenever people ask me how I'm feeling, I'm like, 'I don't know. I'm scared. I'm nervous.'

Growing up, my mom always knew that I was more on the Black side than the Spanish side, just because I didn't speak Spanish.

When I started making music, I figured the name Rico Nasty would give a background of who I am.

The scene in the DMV now is very united. I don't know if it's for everybody but everybody is showing love, everybody is showing support. Everybody is just trying to make a name for themselves and they are willing to help other people. Everybody is willing to network and do things with people outside of who they know.

I stopped making music for other people.