Riff Raff

Riff Raff


United States


Riff Raff is an American rapper from Texas, known for his successful rap album ‘Neon Icon.’ He started raping in 2005, and since he had no money to produce his own beats, he played some of the artists ’songs. He then tried to create more mixtapes of his own and climbed the ladder. Eventually, he was hired by the rap group 'Three Loco. 'After working with many labels over the years, he ended up living with DJ and well-known Diplo' Mad Decent. 'Riff recorded his debut album' Neon Icon 'and released it in 2014. The album was a huge success. Soon, he was inspired to start his own music label, ‘Neon Nation Corporation,’ which fell somewhat later. In June 2015, he prepared to release his second album, 'Peach Panther.' The album continued to be in trouble since its release and was finally released, measuring critical recognition and commercialization, in June 2016. Riff tried to work again, several times, and appeared in various series, 'Major Lazer' and 'One Life to Live.'


If I buy a new car, I rip the rearview mirror off because I don't like to look back.

I'm from the future, I'm from the past, but I'm also from the present, because I'm a gift.

I'm the most underrated, most hated, greatest of all time.

Tattoos aren't fun unless you're an idiot. It's not fun to get tattoos.

My mom was a pilot, and my dad wrestled polar bears.

I quit school. I don't do good in following police guidelines or restrictions. For someone to put rules on a genre of music or put me in a category of rap, I can't even see how you can do that.

It's like this: I've had the same mentality since I was five years old.

I'm 20 years ahead of social times. What does that tell you? That tells you that when I was four that I was thinking the same as the average human on 24.

I mean, I'm about having fun. I'm not about what other people say.