Garth Stein

Garth Stein


United States


A New York Times filmmaker and author, best known for The Art of Racing in the Rain, is a novel about a dog dreaming of rebirth as a human being. His other works include Raven Stole The Moon (2010) and a 2005 play by Brother Jones.

QUOTES BY Garth Stein

Such a simple concept, yet so true: that which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.

In its rather clinical view of death, 'True Grit' rivals the hardboiled world of 'Red Harvest'-era Dashiell Hammett and prefigures Cormac McCarthy by 20 years.

I get chills when I think that there's a statue of Phil Lynott on a street in Dublin, that people leave flowers by the statue. I love stuff like that.

I'm a very sentimental, emotional person.

I was really rudderless at one point my life. And once I started reading books, then I got the idea that maybe I could become a writer. I had a goal. And every day when I got up, there was a reason.

I'm proudly a crime writer, but it would be really inaccurate to call me a mystery writer.

I'm forever grateful to have had the opportunity to prove myself to my dad. After I took over the diner, the look in my father's eyes went from disappointment to respect.

After college, I spent a decade working the kinds of jobs that I write about - bartender, shoe salesman, kitchen man - while voraciously reading novels.

I shoot occasionally, but I'm no gun expert.