Robbie Lawler

Robbie Lawler


United States


QUOTES BY Robbie Lawler

If I don't have the drive and determination to wake up every day and train with young, hungry fighters, if I don't want to do that, then I need to get out of the game, but as long as my body says I'm all right, and my hunger stays the same, I'm going to keep going.

Coming back to the UFC was huge. I was ready for the spotlight for the first time.

I'm a big baseball fan, and I love the Cards.

I try not to worry about what people think and what people think I should do each fight, how impressive I need to be. I need to go out there and win; that's what it comes down to.

When you're on a roll, you want to stay busy - you want to keep that momentum going.

I just take it one fight at a time.

I just train hard and worry about the things I can control.

I didn't care what people thought of me, that I was getting better, pushing myself to get better. Those are the things I concentrate on. I don't concentrate on what everyone else was saying.

I'm glad that in this sport you can write your own stories, and you don't have to worry about what other people expect out of you.