Robert J. Sawyer

Robert J. Sawyer




QUOTES BY Robert J. Sawyer

We absolutely do some of the best science in the world in Canada, across a broad spectrum of disciplines: quantum computing in Waterloo, paleontology in Alberta, neuroscience at the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health in Vancouver, and many more.

Science fiction is about extrapolation, looking back through history, spotting a trend, and predicting where it will go.

One gets a bit picky after having the success of something like 'FlashForward!'

I frankly couldn't imagine being a series mystery-fiction writer, churning out book after book about the same viewpoint character.

Fiction is all about vicarious experiences and getting into other people's heads in a way that no other art form lets you.

A short story is one idea; a novel is a whole soup of them.

You have to have confidence in where you're going. Don't live and die by the fans' tweets.

Bradbury was the one guy who was published in places like the 'Saturday Evening Post.' He was the guy who brought science fiction to the masses. If he hadn't existed, science fiction would have been a well-kept secret in literature instead of a widely consumed phenomenon.

I think there's always been, to some degree, a misunderstanding about what science fiction is all about, in that it has been judged by the general public as being literature of prediction, and it isn't.