Robert Smith

Robert Smith


United Kingdom


Robert Smith is an English singer and the lead singer of the British music group, ‘The Cure. ‘She’s known for the complex makeup she adorns herself with - black untidy hair, eyes dyed with black linen, and smeared with red lipstick - while appearing on stage with the play. He excels in a variety of genres such as alternative rock, gothic rock, new wave, and post-punk. Born into a family of musicians and inspired by Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, and the Beatles, he started playing the guitar at the age of 12. He is a multi-instrumentalist who can play four songs and six bass strings, six and twelve guitars, double bass, drums, piano, trumpet, violin, and trombone in many instruments. His style of singing reflects the instability of the feature. As a songwriter, his songs are very poetic and confusing, the impact of his 'changed' nature, which he found in drug use. He is the only member of the ‘The Cure’ group since its inception in 1976. He wrote and co-wrote many words in song for 35 years working as a musician with a group. He has also participated in other music shows such as ‘The Glove’ and ‘Siouxsie and the Banshees’. Among his many voice contributions, including the 30-minute track, 'Faith', used in the movie, 'Carnage Visors'.

QUOTES BY Robert Smith

Sometimes I'll get to the end of a song, open my eyes and there's all these faces peering at me. It's quite horrifying.

For a period in the '90s, I felt that the Cure was massively undervalued. But there has been a paradigm shift. There's a bunch of newer bands coming up who've grown up listening to the Cure and don't understand that you're not supposed to like us.

I don't find the technology threatening. A lot of people my age, my generation, find it difficult to immerse themselves. But I would never preclude the idea of using any technology if I thought it suited the end result.

I honestly don't class myself as a songwriter. I've got 'musician' written on my passport. That's even funnier.

I think, at heart, unless you discover faith in something else, something other, it's very hard to shake the thing that you're adrift alone.

The problem as you get older is, from my perspective, after a certain amount of songs, you tend to start writing something and then you stop and say, 'Wait, I think I've written that before.'

I get a much more extreme reaction when I have my hair really short. I look thuggish when I shave my head and wear big boots. I walk into a newsagent and people think I'm going to jump the counter. It's a much more extreme reaction.

It has always seemed slightly uncomfortable, the idea of politicised musicians. Very few of them are clever enough to do it; if they're good at the political side, the music side suffers, and vice versa.

I never answer if someone knocks on my door and only the band and my manager have my phone number. In any case my phone doesn't ring so I never notice it. I occasionally just walk past and pick it up to see if anyone's there.