Romesh Ranganathan

Romesh Ranganathan


United Kingdom


Since quitting his job as a mathematics teacher seven years ago, Romesh Ranganathan has made a name for himself. The past few years have been a surprise for Romesh with two episodes of his BAFTA and a select series of Asian Provocateurs that receive much praise. In 2016 Romesh embarked on his first journey selling more than 100,000 tickets and was awarded the Ents24 Hardest Working Comedian Of The Year. The release of the DVD / Digital program is still very much on the comedy charts with the highest sales for the first time in recent years.

QUOTES BY Romesh Ranganathan

My beard is just an ongoing effort to hide my face as much as possible.

I've had a Hindu upbringing. There's a lot about it I think is cool. Temples are amazing. It's a nice vibe when people are praying. And there's lots about it where I understand why they believe those things. But I'm not practising.

I used to love the Wu-Tang Clan. They took my school by storm, by which I mean the three kids in my year who listened to hip-hop. I skipped lectures to go and buy their second album, 'Forever', and then rushed home to listen to it.

Education seems to be placing increased emphasis on assessment and tracking, which means parents are terrified that if their kid doesn't exceed their expected learning level at six years old, they are immediately put in the class that ends up working at McDonald's.

I strive for honesty because I think that's where the funniest stuff comes from.

New Year's resolutions have always been something to beat myself up with by the second week of January. It seems perverse to set yourself up for failure right at the start of the year.

In the past, I have been guilty of returning from work with some parenting words of wisdom, ignoring the fact that my wife has been dealing with the situation for a while. The correct strategy at these times is to wind my mansplaining neck in.

Social media has exacerbated a trend whereby people speak with complete authority on every subject, regardless of how informed they are.

I have always told my family that I don't want my birthday to be celebrated and that they shouldn't get me anything, even though if they didn't I'd probably write a standup routine about it.

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