Rufus Wainwright

Rufus Wainwright




Rufus Wainwright is a Canadian American songwriter, composer and activist. His fun pop music style is very reminiscent of Tin Pan Alley and the classic cabaret. As an activist, he is known for his freedom of movement and his support for same-sex marriage.

QUOTES BY Rufus Wainwright

I've been thinking of trying my hand at rap. I've been recording snippets on my BlackBerry.

I think my mother, more than anyone, knew the importance of inspiration. If it was occurring, you had to use it.

Once illness strikes, you realize there's not a lot of time for you to do what you really need to do. And there's no time like the present.

I definitely have a Luddite's approach to what's going on. I find that as I get older, I get stupider.

For me, the iPhone is harder than reading Faust.

I think I've done a pretty fantastic job, but of course I want to sell millions of records.

I bemoan the fact that all my famous friends have places in St. Bart's and I have to go to Montauk.

You get to a certain age, and you feel the need to reward yourself just for existing.

I want to carve out a serious period of time to focus on the next opera without any distractions. And to do that you need money.

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