Ruth Reichl

Ruth Reichl


United States


Ruth Reichl is a best seller of invitations TENDER TO THE TABLE, COMFORT ME WITH APPLES, GALILE AND MILKS AND YOU, MOM, FINALLY; Favorite novel !; and, more recently, MY KITCHEN YEAR cookbook. She was the editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine for ten years. She had previously criticized The New York Times restaurant and worked as a food organizer and critic of Los Angeles Times restaurants. She has been honored with six James Beard awards for her journalism work, journalism and criticism. She lives in upstate New York with her husband and two cats.

QUOTES BY Ruth Reichl

When I came to 'Gourmet,' I had no clue how to run a magazine; for television, I am fascinated to learn about editing.

I think it's hard, when you're someone who likes to please people, as I am, to be a boss. I had to learn how to rein myself in and not terrify people.

The thing I like most in my kitchen is my marble counters. Everybody said not to use marble because it's fragile, it stains, it cracks, and it doesn't remain beautiful. But I love marble.

My mother really would make these dreadful concoctions. She really prided herself on something called 'Everything Stew,' where she would take everything in the refrigerator, all the leftovers, and put them all together.

Writing about food is my default.

World War II really fascinated me because it's the only time that everybody in this country sat down at the same table, because eating on rations was your patriotic duty.

I don't think I hate any food trends.

I meet people, and we can get past small talk pretty quickly if they've read my books. It's a great shortcut.

I think of fiction as the highest calling. I'm kind of addicted to it. It's the thing that has gotten me through all the hard points in my life.