W. C. Fields

W. C. Fields


United States


William Claude Dukenfield, better known as W. C. Fields was a gambler and a comedian who was considered one of the greatest characters in American cinema. He was born into a poor family and ran away from home when he was 11 years old. He began his career as a rival and is known for practicing his hours and skills. By the time he was 15, he was making a living as a comedian in church and theater. He called himself an ‘Ententric Juggler’ and did a screening process that included anecdotes and jokes as well. He used to turn cigar boxes, hats and other weird things that gave him a novel appeal. He began to see the whole world and in the early 1900's he became famous for being the greatest prosecutor in the world. He also expanded his career by appearing on Broadway productions before continuing to make a film. His stage was not that of a heavy drinker who could gain the sympathy of his listeners even though he despised women, children, and dogs. He became a major movie star in the 1930s. However, he became a victim of alcoholism that threatened his own life and professional life and a former comedian died of alcohol-related problems.

QUOTES BY W. C. Fields

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There’s no point in being a damn fool about it.

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.