Philip Pullman

Philip Pullman


United Kingdom


Philip Pullman is the best-selling author of many books, especially those of His Black Trilogy. Born in England in 1951, Pullman traveled extensively as a child because of his father's work in the British Royal Air Force. When Pullman was seven, his father died in a military coup in Kenya, and he and his mother moved temporarily from Australia before returning to the United Kingdom. As a young man, he graduated with a degree in English literature from Oxford University. As an adult, Pullman worked as a teacher, university professor, author and author, mostly in children's books. Pullman rose to prominence in 1995 with the release of Light Lights, known as the Golden Compass in North America and abroad. The novel has caused controversy with Pullman over what many see as his criticism of organized religion. However, in interviews, Pullman often emphasizes that he is the first in the news. Therefore, the message of his stories is in describing the reader. Pullman says his goal is not to insult his students or anything but to stimulate their imagination and open their minds to new opportunities.

QUOTES BY Philip Pullman

If you want something you can have it, but only if you want everything that goes with it, including all the hard work and the despair, and only if you’re willing to risk failure.