Cyril Connolly

Cyril Connolly


United Kingdom


Cyril Connolly was a critic of English literature and a well-known author of his autobiography, 'Enemies of Promise' in which he explained why he failed to achieve the desired results. Written with his sense of humor, he blamed his laziness for not making him the great writer he was supposed to be. Ironically, this is exactly the same book that later became known as his masterpiece and strengthened his place in the history of writing! Known as an eccentric, Carolly managed to impress her friends and family with a humorous idea that offended them as much as they did. The son of a great warrior, he traveled extensively in childhood and the program helped shape the young boy's worldview. He attended the same school as George Orwell and Cecil Beaton and the six became good friends. Clever and knowledgeable, he made a name for himself as a college genius, or through his own accounts he never dreamed too much. One of his novels, 'The Rock Pool', was published in 1936 despite the fact that it was his autobiography that came out a few years later that made him famous as a writer.

QUOTES BY Cyril Connolly

Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.