Yahya Jammeh

Yahya Jammeh




Jahya Jammeh was born on May 25, 1965 in Kanilai Village in Phon Kansala District, Western Province. His mother's name is Aja Fatou Ashombi Bojang and he is married to the first Gambian woman Madam Zineb Yahya Jammeh. He was born in Rabat, Morocco, on October 5, 1977 to a family in Guinea Soumah. He received his early education at Kanilai Primary School, Saint Edward Primary School in Bwiam, and Gambia High School in Banjul. In 1983 he passed the General of Education (GCE 0 'Level) and Credits in Geography, English, French, Biology, and Physics. I also found success in Chemistry and Oral English. The following year President Jammeh joined the Gambia National Gendarmerie in 1984 and thereafter moved to the Gambia National Army and was commissioned in 1989. He has attended the Military Academy of Basic Studies (MPOBC) in For McClellan, Alabama, The United States of America and in 1994 received a Diploma in military science. Jammeh served under various military units in the Gambia's Military Council. From 1984-1986 he was in the Special Intervention Unit, 1986 to 1989 at the Gendarmerie Training School (Escort Training Instructor); 1989-1990 Presidential Guard (in charge of Presidential Escort); In 1991 he served as mobile commander at Gendarmerie and in 1992 became Command of the Gambia National Army Military Police, until July 22, 1994, when the Gambia National Army defeated Sir Dawda Jawara and his PPP commanders in the coalition without blood. When the Jawara dynasty was released, Jammeh was a Lieutenant. In 1994, Jammeh was promoted to the rank of Captain and in 1996 was promoted to the rank of Colonel. President Jammeh resigned from the military in 1996. Jammeh saw the Gambia over a period of two years leading up to the Government's restoration of the Constitution and the Land. In 1996 he was elected Chief Executive Officer of the Second Republic on September 27, 1996.

QUOTES BY Yahya Jammeh

So far there is not a single Gambian or dissidents from Britain who came to join to them (the coup plotters); so I am very sorry.

I am going to get rid of these elements one by one until the last person, apart from the decision from the Almighty Allah, no human soul, animal, fish or insect, black or white, can remove me from power.

Nobody can also destabilize this country. So anybody who comes to attack this country; be ready because you are going to die no matter who you are and who backed you, we will get to the bottom of this and we will not spare anybody.

We will get to the bottom of this and we will not spare anybody.

As an independent Muslim country, we will not be tied to any bloc that promotes decadence and ungodly behavior, we are no longer going to entertain any dialogue with the European Union, either directly or through the sub-regional, regional and international blocs of which we are members.

“Any one who wants to live in peace and freedom will be to live by toil, demonstration of high levels of discipline and tolerance for one another.”

“Despite all odds we have emerged as one people and one country.”

“May we be saved from evil thoughts and deed of enemies of world peace who find pleasure in creating havoc and perpetrating all forms of carnage.”

“My fate is in the hands of almighty Allah. I will deliver to the Gambian people and if I have to rule this country for one billion years, I will, if Allah says so.”