Bob Brown
United States
Bob Brown resigned as leader of the Greens in 2012 and resigned from the Australian Senate in June 2012. Brown led the Australian Greens from the formation of the party in 1992 to April 2012. In 1978 Bob was appointed director of the Tasmania Wilderness Society and led the campaign. prevent the construction of the Franklin dam. He spent 19 days in prison and on the day of his release, in 1983, became a member of the Tasmanian Parliament. Bob was elected Australian Senate in 1996. From 2002 to 2004, when small groups took power in the Senate, Brown became a well-known politician. He was re-elected in 2001 and 2007. Bob Brown was also the first openly member of the Australian Parliament, and the first openly gay leader of an Australian political party. Bob lives with his partner Paul in Tasmania and travels a lot. Bob has published many books including memoir and picture books and poetry books. He has also received numerous awards, including the United Nations.