Zach Anner

Zach Anner


United States


Zach Anner is an online analyst, actor, and author with Cerebral Palsy. He was known for his humor and winning of TV star Oprah Winfrey. Origin of Kenmore, New York (born in Buffalo, New York) Zach was born with cerebral palsy. She currently resides in Austin, Texas. On June 2, 2010, Zach entered Oprah Winfrey's Next TV Star contest where he won and was given a chance to make his own TV show, Rollin 'With Zach. However, the show was canceled after only six episodes. In March 2016, Zach published a biography of his life in the article, If You Were Born unsuccessful: My Accidental and Concerned Experience has garnered fame from numerous sources including Oprah Winfrey, The New York Times, and The Huffington Post. Zach has made many appearances competing in the Rooster Teeth game, On Spot. He has appeared on Million Dollars But ... and RT Life Five Night's in Rooster Teeth, as well as the RT web mini-series Eleven Little Roosters. He has also been featured as one of Rooster Teeth's main bodybuilders, Buff Buddies.

QUOTES BY Zach Anner

You want the world to be set up for you, but sometimes it just isn't.

CP is a struggle, but it's also been quite the tool for me to find success and deliver a message. It's something about me that's unique, so it'll open a few doors as well as keep a few closed. If you have the other tools that you develop as an individual, talents, things like that, you can harness this to do positive things in the world.

There's a tendency to treat anyone with a physical disability as inspiring. I call it a pedestal of prejudice, in that you're lifting people up to dismiss them. My whole thing is bringing us down to everyone else's level and saying we're all the same. The struggle is the same.

You can never walk a mile in someone elses shoes, but you can walk a mile in your own and be proud of it.

I think that's where it comes into play, when you are just looking at a document or whatever and you see the word "disability." Does that automatically trigger something in you that denies someone their personhood?

If everything was perfect, it would always be a person-first conversation, but whenever I have the opportunity, I lead with my personality. If they're looking and seeing the disability first or the chair first, I know that I have the ability to change that.

When I read the script [of Glee], the whole premise was that all the high school kids were being cruel to this kid in the wheelchair, and then the quarterback comes along and has a heart of gold and takes him out of a Porta Potty. That's too often what I see in media, that the characters with disabilities are there to make other people seem like heroes for treating the character with a disability with respect. Those are the kinds of roles that are out there.

You really just have to have a good attitude, challenge yourself, and you can accomplish great things.

We did a book signing and people came up to me. There was an expectant mother who was like, "I think we might name our child Zach because of your work."