Philip Larkin

Philip Larkin


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Philip Larkin

A good meal can somewhat repair / The eatings of slight love

They both rise / Make for the Coke dispenser. 'What's he like? / Christ, I just told you.

I suppose if one lives to be old, one's entire waking life will be spent turning on the spit of recollection over the fires of mingled shame, pain or remorse. Cheerful prospect!

Poetry is an affair of sanity, of seeing things as they are.

And I am sick for want of sleep; So sick, that I can half-believe The soundless river pouring from the cave Is neither strong nor deep; Only an image fancied in conceit.

Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, And don't have any kids yourself.

It will be worth it, if in the end I manage To blank out whatever it is that is doing the damage. Then there will be nothing I know. My mind will fold into itself, like fields, like snow.

He [Llewelyn Powys] has always in mind the great touchstone Death & consequently life is always judged as how far it fits us, or compensates us, for ultimately dying.

Mother's electric blanket broke, & I have 'mended' it, so she may be practising suttee involuntarily before long.