Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer


United States


Wayne Dyer was an American self-help writer and motivational speaker. He is regarded as the 'Father of modern charity' or 'Father of motivation'. Most of his childhood was spent in orphanages and foster homes and it was the driving force that propelled him forward in life. He came very close to his life. He began his career as a mentor after receiving his De.Ed. degree in Counseling from Wayne State University. He published journals and set up a private practice. His stirring discourses drew a large number of readers, and they encouraged him to write down his thoughts. The result was his first book, 'Your Scars of Mistakes'. After that, he began to promote his book vigorously, making shop appearances and conducting interviews with the media. He has released audiocassettes of his moving speeches and appeared on television in talk shows. He refused to dwell on guilt and emphasized self-esteem and self-confidence. He did not talk about spiritual things until much later in his career. He spread the idea of ​​being like Christ or Buddha as a Buddha, instead of being a Christian or a Buddha. He married three times and had eight children.

QUOTES BY Wayne Dyer

"There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There isonly a scarcity of resolve to make it happen."

"You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well."

"Self-actualized people are independent of the good opinion of others."

"If we are to have magical bodies, we must have magical minds."

"A transcendent being can be any miracle."

"A am realistic -- I expect miracles."

"There is a big difference between thinking: I'm in a relationship and something's wrong. Therefore something must be wrong with the relationship. and thinking I'm in a relationship and we've got problems. This is evidence that you are different than me."

"Anything that has been accomplished by any other human being in the physical realm is within the field of possibility."

"Each person must decide for himself what he wants each day. As a leader, I will expose you to the options and the likely consequences of those options. I'll even share my opinion if asked, but I'll never confuse it with the opinion, which simply doesn't exist."