Barbara Ehrenreich

Barbara Ehrenreich


United States


Barbara Ehrenreich is an American writer and political activist. Throughout her life, she has proved to be one of the most influential writers of his generation. After completing her studies, she turned her attention to politics and the military. She became a victim of sexual misconduct during her pregnancy at a medical facility and became involved in politics and reform. In time, she became involved with 'health women' and eventually decided to become a full-time writer. She has worked extensively in research on health, defense and activism and has written several women's books on the history and politics of women's health. An unnamed fourth-generation man has written more than twenty books in his work. Her main focus has been on social and cultural expression, emphasizing femininity and the plight of the poor. His working life focuses on three disciplines - journalism, empathy and literature. She shares her views on definitions, pieces of opinion, and modern blogs, and her activists focus on a variety of topics such as health care, peace, women's rights and economic justice. She continues to inspire all people to build a society with better women and lead the way for future generations.

QUOTES BY Barbara Ehrenreich

"Employers have gone away from the idea that an employee is a long-term asset to the company, someone to be nurtured and developed, to a new notion that they are disposable."

"Well, the first thing that clued me in to the fact that there was something really scary about breast cancer, way beyond the thought of dying, was coming across an ad in the newspaper for pink breast cancer teddy bears. I am not that afraid of dying, but I am terrified of dying with a pink teddy bear under my arm."

"America is addicted to wars of distraction."

"We who officially value freedom of speech above life itself seem to have nothing to talk about but the weather."

"We love television because television brings us a world in which television does not exist."

"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous."

"Medical debts are the number-one cause of bankruptcy in America."

"The internet was supposed to make this whole business of job searching rational and simple. You could post your resume and companies would search them and they'd find you. It doesn't seem to work that way. There aren't enough jobs for experienced, college educated managers and professionals."

"If there is something I am arguing, it is a critique of science. Science has consistently denied the existence of consciousness other than human. Only in the last 20 years do we have acknowledgement of animal feeling or culture or experience."

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