


United States


The three-time Grammy Award-winning artist, Beck Hansen, is no ordinary instrument, as he is responsible for inventing a unique style of producing a sound like a collage, which he has acquired by incorporating seemingly contradictory genres of music. This talented musician has enjoyed great success in the commercial and critical music industry - which many are proud of. Beck, over the years, has been humble enough to maintain his integrity to the arts that have drawn the hearts of millions around the world. What separates Beck from his colleagues is his unique sound of lo-fi sonic experiments and recordings that incorporate elements from genres of hip-hop, other rock, people, funk, soul, country and psychedelic. Known for his brand-selling song, Beck has described the 90's time with his unique musical instruments and wild music experiments with electronic and other attractive instruments. Some of his most popular albums include, 'Mellow Gold', 'Odelay', 'Mutations' and 'Guero'.


"I always loved art shows at schools. My friends with kids would go, and I would go with them. It's some of my favorite art... It's more about creativity than the grand statement of an agenda."

"I'm a musician. I'm not, like, a personality. I've never really pretended to perform that kind of function."

"If we look at the fact that record covers are essentially advertisements for the music, we acknowledge a function and purpose to draw in the prospective buyer."

"I'm really fascinated by lingos and colloquialisms that are outmoded and have gone by the wayside. I love the way people spoke in the '30s, and the amazing slang of the mid-'60s and '70s."

"I didn't go to high school. I never felt connected to people my age."

"Usually, the music inspires the lyrics. The lyrics just sort of fall off like a bunch of crumbs from the melody. That's all I want them to be - crumbs. I don't want to work any kind of fabricated message."

"In recording, you're trying to make something work sonically - getting the right inflection on the right guitar sound - and maybe a part that would be musically great doesn't sound as cool."

"Studying music in a conservatory would be stifling for me, although I respect people who can do it. And by no means am I an expert at notating music or music theory - that's not really my world."

"Something just happens when you're making a record, where certain things start to come out. It's just something in the air."