Betty Friedan

Betty Friedan


United States


In 1963, author, women's rights activist and women's rights activist Betty Friedan published the Feminine Mystique, exploring the notion that women find more fulfillment in traditional roles. Fryan founded the National Organization of Women in 1966 and served as its first President. She published The Second Stage in 1982 and The Fountain of Age in 1993.

QUOTES BY Betty Friedan

"Aging is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength."

"No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor."

"Protectiveness has often muffled the sound of doors closing against women."

"All year there have been these cover stories that the women's movement is dead and about the death of feminism and the post-feminist generation of young women who don't identify with feminism - and then we have the biggest march ever of women in Washington. More people than had ever marched for anything - not only more women, but more people."

"I wouldn't be satisfied with a life lived solely on the barricades. I reserve my right to be frivolous."

"He's a male chauvinistic piglet."

"Each woman is made to feel it is her own cross to bear if she can't be the perfect clone of the male superman and the perfect clone of the feminine mystique."

"There is absolutely no evidence that it is harmful to children if their mother's health, well-being and autonomy and control of her own destiny is maximized by work outside the home."

"I was at a meeting two years ago in Beijing, and I passed a bunch of women who were marching in a protest. Their signs were probably saying something I wouldn't have agreed with at all. But I was so glad to see women marching. And it's happening all over the world."