Billy Bob Thornton

Billy Bob Thornton


United States


Bill Bob Thornton is one of the most successful actors, directors and screenwriters in Hollywood. Determined to work from an early age, he left the university to pursue a career in self-employment. However, things could not have been easier as they seemed to be for the novice artist who worked as a waiter, food processor, telemarketer and overseas farmer between gigs. He started with a few supporting roles and after that he switched to writing movie theaters. It was in the mid-1990s that his work saw a complete transformation with the movie, ‘Sling Blade’, in which he worked as a director-writer-writer. The movie met with important information as well as his unique approach to the capabilities and unique screen. He was also awarded the prestigious Academy Award. Since then, his acting career has risen to the top with many hits films. The success of his film career inspired him to change his favorite way of becoming a singer and songwriter. He has released four albums so far and is a member of the blues rock band.

QUOTES BY Billy Bob Thornton

"We didn't have a movie theatre until I was about nine, so I just didn't see them. But, once I got into movies I loved them."

"I know that I loved music before I loved movies, simply because I didn't see movies as a kid."

"Comedy is harder than drama, because with comedy you're expecting a make them laugh. [If] they ain't laughing then you're screwed."

"After you've done 60-something movies, you're always looking for something different."

"I know it's boring to say this but I always start with the script. I mean if it's well written and it's a character that I haven't necessarily played before."

"Sometimes we don't want the bad guy to get caught because otherwise the story is over. You want to at least see it through to the end."

"I've been largely an improvisational actor for most of my career."

"If someone is talking to you and tells you that you ought to do something, and you can tell they mean it, those are the scary people. Those are the people you want to watch out for."

"You read something and you just feel this makes sense. And sometimes before you even read it you have a feeling that yeah, I'm probably gonna do this one."

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