Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt


United States


Actor and producer Brad Pitt made his major debut in the 1989 horror film Cutting Class and his role in 1994’s Legends of Fall helped his place as a Hollywood scene. The two-time winner of People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" title, Pitt also showed his willingness to take on grittier roles for features such as Seven (1995) and Fight Club (1999). He first won the Outstanding Observation Act at Babel (2006), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008), Inglourious Basterds (2009) and Moneyball (2011), winning his first Oscar in the category of best actor as a producer at 12 Years Slave (2013) ). Along with recent works such as The Big Short (2015), Allied (2016) and his Oscar-winning role in Kanye At a Time ... Hollywood (2019), Pitt is known for his high-media relationships with actress Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie.


"I see religion more as a truck stop on your way to figuring out who you are."

"What we're seeing now is that greed is still alive and kicking, and banks are bigger than ever."

"Seeing the world is the best education you can get. You see sorrow, and you also see great spirit and will to survive."

"We sometimes let ourselves be rated too much by others - we put so much emphasis on a paycheck or what a magazine says."

"I'm an Obama supporter, no question. But it doesn't mean there's nothing to learn from the other side."

"I am obsessively bent on quality - to an unhealthy degree."

"The Internet has done a wonderful thing for us. But democracy doesn't work unless people are well informed, and I don't know that we are. People just don't have the time."

"It might be a very human thing across the board, but we, in America, love a story - we need a story to get involved in. But then everything becomes more about how the story protects a certain perception as we pick sides."

"So much of making movies is about discovery on the day, what you're figuring out. If you know everything going in, then it's not worth doing - it's already done."