William M. Thackeray

William M. Thackeray




William Makepeace Thackeray was an English writer, novelist and devil who gained worldwide fame and was loved for his novel Vanity Fair. Her most famous works include novels Catherine, The Luck of Barry Lyndon and Philip's Adventures. Beginning when he first became a devil and an intellectual, Thackeray produced some good examples of this kind. Among them are Timbuctoo, published in 1829, and a collection of fairy tales The Yellowiplush Papers published in 1837. The author was also a journalist and journalist and contributed to the drawings in Fraser magazine before writing his first novel. By the early 1940's, Thackeray had gained popularity with the release of his two traveling books The Paris Sketch Book and The Irish Sketch Book. However, his lasting success came in 1847, with the release of the novel Vanity Fair, which became his masterpiece and one of the most famous works. The author died on December 24, 1863.

QUOTES BY William M. Thackeray

"There lived a sage in days of yore, And he a handsome pigtail wore; But wondered much and sorrowed more Because it hung behind him."

"The two most engaging powers of a good author are to make new things familiar and familiar things new."

"Whenever he met a great man he groveled before him, and my-lorded him as only a free-born Briton can do."

"Who misses, or who wins the prize?Go, lose and conquer as you can:But if you fail, or if you rise,Be each, pray God, a gentleman."

"Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society."

"To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it; to go through intrigue spotless; to forego even ambition when the end is gained -- who can say this is not greatness?"

"Let a man who has to make his fortune in life remember this maxim: Attacking is the only secret. Dare and the world yields, or if it beats you sometimes, dare it again and you will succeed."

"People hate as they love, unreasonably."

"A good laugh is sunshine in the house."

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