Bryce Dallas

Bryce Dallas


United States


Bryce Dallas Howard was born March 2, 1981, in Los Angeles, California, to director Ron Howard. She had wanted to study since he was a child and graduated from NYU's Tisch School of Arts in 2003. She has appeared in several films including Mu Night Shyamalan's The Village. She married actor Seth Gabel in 2006 and had a child one year later. In 2009, she agreed to play Victoria in the third film Twilight.

QUOTES BY Bryce Dallas

"There was definitely a learning curve in terms of being on film, but being on a set was all good."

"I felt very comfortable on a set - incredibly comfortable on a set, which is a real gift because that can be hugely intimidating."

"In the culture we live in, there's this pervasive, shared agreement that there's a certain body type to admire, and it isn't actually based on anything real or substantive."

"The clearer that division [of social media] is between it not being a reflection of reality, and being a complete make-believe world, the more we're helping ourselves."

"The work that we do is so tricky because it rests on our shoulders, but it's also collaborative and part of it is trusting the people that you're working with."

"I think my favourite memory from filming 'Jurassic World' would just be a compilation of me running through the jungle in heels, and just how absurd that really was. That that actually happened."

"I've always felt really lucky to get to work with really great filmmakers. For me, the whole objective is just to hopefully be of service to what they want."

"You go on Instagram, and it's just not a real reflection of what people do, and how much pain people are in every day. So that's my mental change."

"My dad's more three-dimensional than Opie Taylor or Richie Cunningham. He even has a temper! He's a real person. But some people are disappointed by that."